Occlusion is the term for the way your upper and lower jaw fit together. When your teeth are misaligned such that ordinary biting causes damage to the teeth, this is called traumatic occlusion. Traumatic occlusion can be a concerning condition that requires prompt treatment to ensure the best outcome.
When traumatic occlusion occurs, the patients’ teeth are not aligned properly. This then affects their smile and the general function of the mouth. Let’s take a closer look at traumatic occlusion.
What Is Traumatic Occlusion?
Sometimes referred to as malocclusion, traumatic occlusion is what happens when a mouth becomes crowded, and no room is left for all the teeth to arrange in a straight line. Traumatic occlusion can have many negative side effects, such as the inability to close your jaw properly during chewing. This leads to a large chance of oral complications in the future.

How Is Traumatic Occlusion Treated?
If you have traumatic occlusion, there’s no reason to fear. There are many effective ways to treat it. Let’s take a look at them.
Occlusal Restoration
Occlusal restoration is prescribed to correct the misalignment of teeth. Crooked teeth are replaced and reconstructed via restorative procedures in the hopes of improving the normal functions of the mouth. Depending on your case, different techniques may be used, including inlays, dental bridges, dental crowns, and partial dentures.
Occlusal Equilibration
The most common way to treat traumatic occlusion is to use occlusal equilibration. During this procedure, the biting and chewing surfaces of the teeth are ground down to achieve proper balance and alignment.
Jaw Repositioners
Jaw repositioners can be used to treat traumatic occlusion as well. They are worn much like braces and are tightened and adjusted at regular intervals until the ideal tooth position is achieved. However, they only provide a temporary solution. Other treatments may be needed to fully correct the problem.
What Happens If The Condition Is Left Untreated?
The chances of severe periodontal disease increase greatly when traumatic occlusion is left untreated or not treated on time. This is because of the teeth being misaligned. Eventually, they become diseased due to the fact that the biting pressure exerted by the other teeth makes them loose. Bacteria has the chance to infiltrate into the gums and become entrenched. Fortunately, these risks can be avoided with preventive treatment.
In order to treat the condition correctly, it must be properly identified. Often, victims of traumatic occlusion are those who regularly bite their nails or suck their thumbs. Both of these activities gradually push the teeth out of alignment, leaving some teeth crooked, crowded, or loose.
When left untreated, traumatic occlusion leads to the next stage, known as occlusal trauma. This condition is defined by damage not just to the teeth, but to the tissues that support them, including the gums and periodontal ligament. Occlusal trauma occurs when repeated damage to these tissues exceeds their ability to repair on their own.
Additional Treatments
If you are affected by consistent headaches due to traumatic occlusion, you may need to opt for other treatments, which could include:
- Occlusal adjustment
- Orthodontics
- Orthognathics
- All of the above in some cases
Orthodontics involves adjustment of the teeth, while orthognathics is surgery to repair a misaligned jaw.
The Bottom Line
If you believe you may be suffering from traumatic occlusion, get in touch with a gentle dentist at Pacific Dental Care today. While you’re here, we can also give you a teeth cleaning and dental check-up to identify and correct any other problems. Your teeth are in good hands here, at the best dentist in Glendale.