Pacific Dental Care
For the best functioning health, getting an adequate amount of sleep is important. People are energetic and simply more alert when they not only get the recommended hours of sleep, but a good quality of sleep as well. However, not everyone gets the luxury of having this sleep routine every night, in some cases, these can be due to snoring problems, which can be caused by a condition known as sleep apnea. Here are several notes and considerations about both snoring and sleep apnea if you are having similar concerns.
How Beneficial is Good Sleep?
Sleep is the primary means of enabling the body to conserve energy, food supplies, and reduce risk during periods of low light. In addition, it allows the brain to store and manage information in the body for recuperation. In order to get the full benefits of sleep, it is important to sleep long enough to initiate the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and Non-Rapid Eye Movement phase.
What Problems Can Affect Quality of Sleep?
There are several conditions known to be associated with sleep or snoring problems. THese include Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), insomnia, SRBD, and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
How Do I Diagnose Sleep Apnea or Snoring Problems?
Your bed partner will likely recognize and notice that you are snoring. Chronic loud snoring is one of the most common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. It is important to see your dentist in Glendale, Pacific Dental Care, for a full exam and overview of your sleep history. This can help determine whether you are affected by sleep apnea. Upon diagnosis, a proper snoring treatment plan can be established.
What are the Main Causes of Sleep Apnea?
OSA occurs when the tongue or other soft tissues located in the back of your throat obstruct breathing and airflow during sleep. You may wake up multiple times in the night as your body reacts to having its breathing interrupted during sleep. These awakenings are known as micro-arousals and can prevent you from reaching the needed REM stage of sleep.
There are multiple treatments for sleep apnea or chronic snoring, these include CPAP therapy or Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT). A dentist can help perform these treatments or recommend alternative ones after a thorough evaluation. If you believe sleep apnea Is a cause of your snoring problems or want to schedule an exam to determine the cause, contact Pacific Dental Care today.
Read More:
Sleep Apnea Appliances
How to Cure Sleep Apnea
Pacific Dental Care
Dr. Marine Martirosyan, DDS and her dental team will work with you to find the best solution to give you the best results.
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9AM – 6PM
9AM – 6PM
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10AM – 2PM