Braces are devices that help in correcting crowded or crooked teeth. They also aid in treating a misaligned jaw. Although braces are mostly used during adolescence, several adults are choosing to get dental braces in order to make corrections to their teeth or treat some form of misalignment in their jaw.
Braces are created using metal or ceramic, wires, as well as bonding material that attaches them to the teeth of the person getting the braces. The success rates of braces vary, depending on when the treatment begins, what the treatment goals are, and your age.
How Braces Move Your Teeth
The way braces move your teeth is that they exert constant pressure on your teeth for long periods of time. This leads to the shape of your jaw gradually getting adapted to this pressure, and then conforming to it.
We often think of our teeth as being directly connected to our jawbone, which makes the concept of braces difficult to be imagined as something that’s comfortable. However, that’s not the case. Located below your gums is a membrane. This membrane is surrounded by bones that root your teeth to your jaw. The membrane helps in controlling the position of your teeth, and in turn it responds to the pressure being put by the braces on your teeth.
It’s a common question if braces hurt or not. The answer is no, they don’t hurt. It’s a painless process while getting the braces on, and it takes about an hour or two for the braces to get installed. One might experience a certain amount of soreness during the first week, because that’s when the inside of your mouth is getting adjusted to your braces.
The Components of Braces
Braces have quite a few components. The small pieces of the braces apply gentle pressure on the teeth, helping them to move into the proper positions. The brackets are connected by wires, which controls the amount exerted on the teeth. Other aligners that are popular in dentistry include: fast braces, Invisalign, clear braces, braces for children, and more.
The wires go around the teeth, increasing the stability of the bracket, thereby allowing for more gentle pressure to be applied on the teeth. These little bands aid in the entire bite of the patient at once instead of doing so gradually via tooth movement. As every individual’s case in unique, it’s not necessary for every patient to have to resort to all the components for a successful treatment.